Monday, June 25, 2012

A Better Nights Rest by Blocking Orexin


There is a new drug on the market referred to as Suvorexant which is supposed to work by blocking Orexin. Orexin is the brain’s chemical which promotes alertness. In patients suffering from insomnia or other related sleeping disorders. The first trial done using the drug showed that patients were falling asleep 36 minutes faster than usual. These results were reported approximately three months after tracking a placebo drug. The second trial that was conducted showed people sleeping longer and falling asleep faster than the patients who were being offered the placebo drug.
This drug can be offered as a new option to patients with chronic sleeping conditions. Many sleep drugs focus on shutting down the entire brain in less of a natural way that is why this drug will provide better effects without the long term side effects.  Patients will experience less drowsiness and will get to experience more normal consistent sleeping patterns. GABA an amino acid stimulates the increase of dopamine in the brain, exerting a relaxing effect on the body, being essential to a better nights rest. It also is known to fight the cortisol hormone (stress hormone) which negatively affects the body’s stress levels.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Well Being found from Tai Chi

Tai Chi Relief

Bringing your mind and body together can help to improve overall health, movement and breathing. It can help to create a better response towards the body’s ability to deal with stress and anxiety. These effects are found from Tai Chi. Preliminary evidence suggests that Tai Chi helps with stress reduction, depression, balance, flexibility, sleep deprivation, hypertension, chronic pain and agility. Tai Chi helps the body to train its senses as well. The function of the sensory neurons inside of the inner ear is what prepares the body for balance. Tai Chi also works the stretch receptors that affect the body’s muscles ad ligaments.  It may improve quality of life, aerobic conditioning and heart health additionally.

Dessert Activates the Chemical Reward System In the Brain

"Well maybe I'll have one more..."

After eating a doughnut or a cookie it is almost impossible to not even immediately start considering having another one. Why do such delicious foods put us in such a predicament? It is because of levels of two hormones known as ghrelin and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) both of these hormones work to stimulate hunger and activate similar receptors in the brain that certain drugs do.
These hormones make you crave certain foods because it triggers the pleasure/reward part of the brain as opposed to the hunger part. People with increased levels of this tend to have bigger problems with pleasure eating, activating the chemical reward system in the body which overpowers the brains ability to signal the body to know when to stop eating. 
These habits are driven by pleasure and not energy deprivation. While many of the physiological effects are not fully understood, this phenomenon will contribute to a surge in epidemic obesity. So good luck with “one more Oreo”

More Red Meat, Shorter Life Span

Eat less Cow...

While red meat has not been getting the best rep, this is only because meat heavy diets tend to be linked to increased risks of certain developing diseases and cancers. However, certain long term-studies are now indicating that eating a lot of red meat can actually even shorten your life. By eating less than one serving a day of red meat your chances of living a long life are decreased by almost 13%. This study was conducted at Harvard School of Public Health.

This of course all depends on the type of meat that you are eating. Red meat such as beef, lamb or pork in the size of a deck of cards will do this, and for every extra serving size that is consumed, the increase will be almost 20%. By substituting this protein with a serving of fish or plant protein, poultry, nuts, or whole grains, by avoiding processed meats and focusing our diets more on plant based foods; we can avoid harmful substances and provide ourselves with more valuable nutrients.

ADD symtoms; A True Diagnosis?

Child Sleep Disorders and Lack of Focus

Diagnoses of attention deficit disorder, (ADD) are now being linked among children who suffer from is suffering from certain sleep disorders, specifically, sleep apnea. The increases diagnoses over the last few years have been thought to be exacerbated by lack of sleep. Pediatric neurologists and sleep medicine specialists believe that the sleep issues need to be ruled out before diagnosing a child with ADD or ADHD. Symptoms of sleep deprivation closely resemble ADHD symptoms. Being moody tired, over hyper, and trouble focuses are all correlated with symptoms caused from lack of sleep. Lack of sleep disturbs a child’s brain and physical development can cause vision and hearing problems as well. Some children exhibiting sleep apnea (nighttime breathing trouble) did better with cognitive tasks after their tonsils and or adenoids were removed.
While this claim will remain non factual for a while, it is getting stronger and more commonly made.  Many behavior problems have already previously been linked to sleep problems.  While ADHD is commonly mistreated a lot of the times will be treated as sleep apnea or insomnia as well. This compounding cycle during a pivotal time can certainly lead to acute long-term developmental complications.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dr. OZ talks Pure Green Tea Coffee Bean


Red Coffee Cherry Berries

Sugar is never a good thing in excess. In the American diet, sugar will ultimately turn body fat and overwork insulin. What an overproduction of insulin does in the body is it will not allow your body to efficiently keep toxins out. It weakens the immune system and doesn’t allow for proper elimination of these free radicals, also accelerating the process of aging. By implementing a product such as pure coffee bean extract, this will provide a boost in fat metabolism and blood sugar regulation. This substance comes from red coffee cherry berries, the place where all the good stuff in your coffee comes from! 

Chloregenic acid helps to accelerate the body’s weight loss mechanisms. It slows down glucose intake while balancing out blood sugar levels. Too much sugar in the body’s diet leads the body to come what they call insulin resistant, the body then stores more fat as a defense mechanism. All you need in your diet is pure bean coffee beans.

 This is a natural form of weight loss, which will boost your metabolism at a significant rate without giving you a crash or the jitters. In the video below, Dr. OZ discusses the importance of engaging a quality diet and fitness with this product for optimal results.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Good Bedside Manner

Can it be Taught?

1.)    Respect
2.)    Courtesy
3.)    Respecting the patients needs
4.)    Listening
5.)    Eye Contact

These are 5 things that are essential in maintain an appropriate bedside manner as a physician. Many believe that good bedside manners can or cannot be taught, however, having a good bedside manner improves interactions with the patients and can definitely advance a professionals career. Being a doctor or in the medical field, requires being able to handle people and to make them feel comfortable above all.
If you are not able to do this, regardless of your medical experience, you will not excel in the same way you would if you are personable and retain good soft skills. Intuitive physicians are able to connect with patients on a more personal level and understand their health condition better then.
So not only does this list of 5 things help with the overall representation and career of a physician, but it also will help to enhance their practical skills as well.  These soft skills also extend outside of the patient but to their family as well. Keeping them well informed about their loved one’s condition in a respectable manner is very important.  This will help with the healing process, and have a much more memorable quality for patients.