Friday, March 30, 2012

Perscription Drug Advertisements

Making Wise Treatment Decisions

Perscription drug advertisements can be a wonderful way to evaluate your own health needs. There are three different types of drug ads.

  • Product Claim Ad
  • Reminder Ad
  • Help Seeking Ad
A product claim ad in an advertisment will typically name the drug, explain it's benefits and its side effects. A reminder ad will usually just advertise the drugs name but will not explain the drug's use. In doing so, there will usually be a lot of different eye catching pictures to make it seem appealing. A help seeking ad will usually do exactly the opposite, however it will not suggest a particular drug for the disease. Of course regardless of the latest advertising strategies and techniques used, companies still face criminal charges and fines due to enforcement efforts. The best thing the drug related companies can do now a days to avoid these complications is to stay up to date with industry guidelines. By staying up to date on a federal and state level, this will most likely help to avoid and issues revolving around the prospect of criminal charges.

Health in The News

Why The Health Care Fight is About Abortion

Recent news is showing that the affordable care act is expanding access towards abortion. For a long time now, Obamacare supporters fight to stay that the bill essentially has nothing to do with abortion at all. Obama also promised that there would be no health care funding towards abortion at all. This past week, pro abortion protested flooded the supreme court in a well organized fashion, asking for a pro choice right.

Since allies, and anti choice groups have decided to mandate a debate, pro choice people find it appropriate to embrace Obamacare's expansion of more funded contraception and the abortion industry.Could this potentially change a certain relationship between the Federal Government and the individual? Fundamentally, yes. Should there be support and subsidization? I say yes, it would be ideal. Is it realistc? No, the country does not have enough coverage to support every single person. Should it be taken to such extremes and will a line eventually be crossed and intentions misconstrued? Possibly.

People who can not contain obtain health care due to preexisting conditions are not even considered in this pool. Then there is who to really believe in this situation, or course government officials are going to lie, and activist organizations who may be a tad too bias, it all comes down to an insurance plan, that will protect all circumstances where the life of a woman would be at risk. Then of course, there is the whole argument surrounding whether the abortion is considered necessary or not to be covered through insurance? This is of no authority of a single human being to make a decision for the sake of the life of another. People are throwing around abortion like its no big deal, and have completely lost the meaning behind the beauty of being a mother, however, if the women feels it a responsible choice, and insurance will cover it, so be it. But to place discrepancy between whats a necessary abortion and whats not is completely unjust.

Embryo Selection

The Buzz Around It

Some medical clinics are now offering embryo selection. Most people believe the procedure to be unethical, some find it to be one of the greatest things to be discovered in years. Embryo screening, utilizes in vitro fertilization, where sperm and female eggs are combines together in order to create "the perfect child" Now what about screening to reduce the risk of a single disease? Is this an adequate reason as opposed to screening to choose the color of your child's eyes or hair? How will doctors and scientists be able to manage this and ultimately keep its purpose more for medical purposes in opposition to aesthetic purposes.

Can You Read My Mind?

Boundaries of The Brain

There is a new technology that may be able to probe into peoples mind, actually reading into what they are thinking about at the very moment. By focusing on the medial prefrontal cortex, scientists think they will be able to use neuro imagine to predict that persons though process, or indicate certain emotions. Brain controlled computing is what this is called as of now, however scientists have their concerns of course. Machinery that responds to telepathic thoughts.

Of course a technolgy of such greatness, definitely deserves some ethical debate. For the government to use this under certain circumstances may be one thing, but can something like this get extremeley out of control? How do you place boundaries on something that so many people have been waiting to have? Scientists believe that they may be able to predict peoples thoughts with an accuracy of 70%. Scary!

Science is an incredible thing no doubt, but sometimes there needs to be a boundaries, and if these boundaries are crossed, chaos will permit. Such a wonderful discovery can do great things, but can also do great harm.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Purified Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil- Stench is Beauty

Through a new special steam extraction program is a way to make the abundant source of nutrients and vitamins knows as Cod Liver Oil, not stink so badly. Cod Liver oil, high in Vitamin A and D, two fat soluble vitamins in which are body needs in order to function are extremely present in this fatty acid. Vitamin D, which we are aware is essential for our bone health, for preventing osteroperosis and the build up of calcium plague on the arteries. Vitamin A, essential for healhty vision, our skin and digestive tract.

One of the reasons Cod Liver Oil is special compared to the typical Omega 3 supplement is because it is high in a good form of Vitamin A. There are three different types of vitamin A. The retinol, which in high amounts can become toxic in the blood stream, this should be monitored of course, beta carotene, found in carrots and certain vegetables, this type mimics vitamin A as an antioxidant, and finally the most natural occuring vitamin A, which comes from the Cod. If you want supple skin and a healthy immunue system, drink your fish oil.

Alpha Lipoic Acid


Alpha Lipoic Acid a vitamin like compound which occurs naturally in the body is both fat and water soluble and is transported easily across cell membranes for protection. Lipoic acid starts a cellular signaling process. This process, helps the body transport anything foreign outside of the body, thus destroying its contents.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, rich in vitamin E, is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. In addition to this, it helps the body maintaine healthy blood sugar levels, or glucose levels. By reducing complications in a high sugar diet, ALA can help prevent the risk of diabites and imporve insulin prodcution amongst people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. ALA is also used to treat eye disorders, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degenrative disorder. Spinach, broccoli, and potatoes are good sources of ALA. Hope you enjoy your veggies

Eat Your Heart Out!

Pomegranate's Are Fantastic Tasting, And Fantastic For You

Ever notice that the inside of a pomegranate looks like a heart? Well consider that to be a signature of good fats! Pomegranate, specifically, rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, ( free radical reducing agents) have been shown to be strong fighters against certain diseases and a great lipid per oxidation blocker.What this means, is that enzymes that come from the pomegranate, help to cleanse the arteries, inhibit inflammation and also help prevent insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes and obesity.

The enzymes that come from the pomegranate also activate androgenic activity in the cells, meaning hormonal changes. Pomegrante seems to mimic plant sterols which are estrogenic like compounds that work to balance the hormones rather than produce exscessive amounts of bad estrogen, which can lead to breast cancer and other health concerns. Pomegranate contains a high ORAC value.

The ORAC value or oxygen radical absorbance capacity, measures the antioxidant capabilities of a particular food. Because pomegranate's are so high in their ORAC value, they are wonderful for you. So if you wanna purify your blood and protect your heart, indulge in this hearty fruit.


Love Tuna, Not Mercury!
People are not paying enough attention to how damaging mercury has become to fish in our waters and how detrimental it can be to our health. Mercury is in toxic amounts in damaging to the liver, kidney, nervous system and basically your entire body. One source of mercury that is going unoticed is in our tooth fillings at the dentist office. This filling is called amalgam. These fillings have a high mercury content and are becoming a more and more common cause of mercury poisioning.

These fillings are actually close to 50 percent composed of mercury. Many of the most knowledgable dentists still aren't going mercury free! So this is a major problem for humans. But what about the mercury that is also being consumed from the fish we eat.
The higher your dinner is in the food chain, chances are the more mercury your body will be consuming from that fish. Tuna, shark, mackerel, and swordfish are the ones to watch out for the highest amounts of mercury. Of course this doesn't mean we should cut back on our intake of fish, especially since they are so rich in many essential fatty acids that are body needs, we simply need to become more aware. Aware, of our mercury intake, and aware of how dangerous it can be, espeically for pregnant women.

There is Such a Thing as Good Fat

While some may believe that are body is only capable of storing bad fats, this is entirely untrue!

It’s time to steer away from the low fat myth, because while some fats are yes essentially bad for you, some essential nutrients that are body needs are fats. Good fats which are also known as monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the type that help to lower our cholesterol and help promote well being and longevity. Bad fats, saturated and Trans fats are the ones that we most likely need to stay away from. So how can we tell the difference between these good and bad fats?  Butter, cheese and ice cream, and most processed foods in general are the ones that contain a substance known as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. This type of fat-is bad!
Bad fats, or trans fats, are usually things that are very processed or are solid at room temperature, such as butter for example. Vegetable oil and fat from certain nuts and fish would all be considered to be good fat. Avocado, salmon, nuts, canola oil, safflower oil, these are all the type of fats that will help lower bad cholesterol, and actually possibly slim down the waist line. When we cut back on refined carbohydrates (bad fats) are body stops digesting them as quickly and as efficiently. One of the biggest influences on our blood cholesterol would be the type of fats we put into our body.

Bad fats (saturated and trans) raise the levels of bad cholesterol.Trans fats also lower good cholesterol. Good fats, such as mono and polyunsaturated fats, will not when eaten of course in moderation. One thing to keep in mind, bad fats are almost always man made. Any kind of packaged treat you get in the grocery store, is unfortunately not going to lower your cholesterol or reduce your risk of diabetesOmega 3 fatty acids are highly marketed today and are even being recommended by traditional medical practitioners.  These EFA’S or essential fatty acids play a crucial role in brain development and overall general health. Omega 3’s are said to help with arthritic pain, heart problems, depression/anxiety and minor skin alignments, ADHD, and other disorders.
There are two different types of fatty acids that come in our diets. “The first type is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in some vegetable oils, such as soybean, rapeseed (canola), and flaxseed, and in walnuts. ALA is also found in some green vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, and salad greens. The other type, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is found in fatty fish. The body partially converts ALA to EPA and DHA.” (Dr. Frank Sacks, Harvard School of Public Health)
So yes, it is true-not all fat is going to make you ill and fat. This doesn’t mean go eat a whole bag of nuts or drink olive oil; it means to incorporate it into a diet. This will naturally help to reduce how quickly your body metabolizes bad fats, and it will make you glow!